Evolving Marketing Trends in 2021

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A decade ago, we had access to only limited websites to choose from and the sight of a smartphone was rare too making digital marketing a simpler affair. If we fast forward it to the present year we are loaded with ample digital information. Thanks to smartphones and faster internet networks which made the evolution of the digital space and enabled brands to lay out a customised Digital Marketing Strategy.

Role of Social Media

Social Media has become a cardinal and influential virtual space for everyone to connect socially but also for businesses to market their brand offerings. It does the commendable job of reaching out to thousands and lakhs of people within seconds of posting an ad at a bare minimum cost.

It is one of the best content sharing platforms, when a business website receives more social signals, it helps it in standing out from the clutter in terms of brand validity, integrity, and loyalty. With the increasing number of online users, marketers must make the most use of suitable digital forums and social media platforms to reach out to their potential customers as compared to conventional marketing media.


In addition to this, the marketers can also track patterns, gauge the market and comprehend the behaviour and sentiments of potential buyers. With the help of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platforms, numerous brands received a vital insight into what can work and the kind of content that appeals to and resonates with the buyers.

Content Marketing

In earlier days content was written to be more search engine friendly. However, marketers soon realised the flaws in that approach. There is no second thought that ‘Content’ is the ‘King’ in today’s digital era. It lies at the heart of every digital marketing campaign. Content marketing has evolved from an exciting marketing concept to a vital marketing powerhouse for pretty much every business. It can draw quality traffic to a brand's website.

Good content is the best way to create awareness and generating leads to sustain a healthy sales growth of a business. It is the most impeccable way to differentiate a brand from its competition in the market. Many smaller brands can outsmart big players with the help of a strong content marketing strategy.


Presenting few vital statistics from the Content Marketing Institute:

  •  Content marketing produces more than three times as many leads as traditional

    advertising methods and costs 62% less. (Source: CMI)

  •  Businesses that regularly update their blogs generate 55% more website visitors.

    Likewise, they receive 97% more inbound links and 434% more indexed pages.

    (Source: IMPACT)

  • out of 10 consumers are inspired to check out a product after reading useful and

    relevant content about it. (Source: Demand Metric)

Video Marketing

Video and digital marketing go well together like popcorn and butter. From the conventional television commercials to today’s YouTube, Reels, IG TV and Facebook Live videos, we cannot deny that we all love to watch them every day. Almost 5 billion videos are watched on YouTube every day (Source: FortuneLords) which undoubtedly makes video the most popular format of content today. While effective, appealing and convenient for the audience, video marketing offers marketers a versatile, attractive and highly shareable medium to reach out to a large audience in a blink of a second.


Let’s have a look at the impressive statistics about video marketing to understand why it’s the most magical tool for digital marketers:

  •  Consumers are 64-85% more likely to purchase a product or service that has video representation (Source: CBO).

  •  Viewers can effectively retain 95% of information relayed through a medium of video as compared to text.

  •  76% of marketers strategize to use video to increase their brand awareness.

  •  Marketing professionals who use videos experience growth in their revenues 49%

    faster than non-video users.

  •  Videos have the potential to increase the landing page conversions to 80% and more.

  •  Videos up to 120 seconds long get the most engagement.

  •  Videos on a website can raise the traffic up to 55% (Source: IMPACT).

Marketing through video allows many small and mighty brands to showcase cardinal features of their offerings while integrating appealing graphics, an impactful voice, engaging music or relevant images. A professionally made brand video has a great impact on its potential customers as it helps in connecting with them emotionally. Adding a high-quality video to a digital marketing strategy will certainly attract and convert new consumers to a business


Digital marketing trends might be changing at an unexpected rate but keeping a thumb on the pulse of video marketing in your social media promotional campaigns is the only way to go. It’s high time to add videos to market your brand and engage with your audience to stand out from the clutter. If you want to embark on evolving marketing trends, talk to us about making video stories for your brand, products or service offerings.

Research Team at AAJ Media

The Research Team at AAJ Media comprises experts drawn from various sectors who have deep knowledge of specific industries. THey bring global perspectives and understandings of issues related to the topics discussed.


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